Latest news from Medicus!

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  1. Medicus Training has been providing early years first aid training for all staff at Northgate Pre-School. The Pre-School is run in conjunction with Northgate Community Hub. The Northgate Community Hub is a fantastic local facility that holds events and activities in the Doncaster area for children of all ages. Its a fantastic facility. If you are local to the area please support Northgate Community Hub and get down there and check it out.northgate pre school

  2. Medicus Training have been providing a number of training courses with BSW and Bayram Timber in Hull who are part of the largest Timber provider in the world. The delegates were all fantastic and really engaged with John, One of the partners of Medicus Training. John said "what a fantastic group of people and a fantastic company".


    We look forward to working with BSW/Bayram Timber in the New Year.


    bayram photo